How to configure ABCProxy with Brave Browser ?
Download and install Brave Browser software. Login or create a new account.
Step 1
Login and open ABC S5 Proxy official website Personal Center, You can view account balance, usage time, assets and other account details.
Step 2
IP Whitelist Configuration + Create Account Confidentiality.
Add the IP addresses that need to use the proxy to the whitelist list for easy use.
Create sub-account name + password, and set the limit of using G for IP.
API Extract Get Proxy.
Set the number of IP addresses to be extracted by API.
Select the corresponding country/region.
Step 4
User& Pass Auth Get Proxy.
Select country/region, proxy server address and IP mode.
Select an existing sub-account or create a new sub-account.
Step 5
Click "Settings" in the upper right corner of your brave browser.
Click "System" in "Advanced".
Step 6
Open your computer's proxy settings.
Step 7
Enter the IP address and port obtained from abcproxy, and click Save. Proxies Test Successful!
Here is a quick video demonstration:
If you need any help, such as customized pricing or suggestions, please contact the staff via live chat or send a message to [email protected]